Lucille Wells is a volunteer at Marian Residence, a non-profit retirement home in Cambridge founded by the Sisters of Our Lady Immaculate. She leads the Coffee Time and Colouring Program for seniors. “I like being there and feeling that I can do something to make their life a little happier,” she said about the best part of her volunteer experience.
Lucille enjoys crocheting, knitting and diamond printing (she created the diamond art in the photo), but what she likes most is engaging in the community. She is outgoing and brings a ray of sunshine wherever she goes. When the sisters learned about her interest in communicating with people, they immediately proposed to start organizing Coffee Time. She first volunteered in November 2021, but the program halted the following month due to the pandemic. However, everyone was excited to welcome her again in February 2022 after the retirement home’s lockdown. Currently, she visits two times a week for Coffee Time and dedicates a day to the Colouring Program. Spending time with her has been the highlight of the seniors’ day. The volunteer role is really a perfect fit not only for Lucille but also for the seniors who enjoy her company.
With support from the Community Options Program at Community Living Cambridge (CLC), Lucille found the opportunity to do something she loves and get involved in the community. She joined the program in 2017. Her first volunteer role was with the YMCA, but it ended when the pandemic hit in March 2020. After a few months, former CLC staff Judy Moitoso who had a great rapport with the supported individuals mentioned that Marian Residence was looking for volunteers. Lucille’s placement was made possible by her Job Coach, Jane Spina, who met with the sisters and supported her these past few months. “Lucille takes great pride in what she’s doing. It makes my heart so glad when she says, ‘I love coming here’ or ‘I love connecting with the seniors'. She is fulfilled and learning a lot in her role,” Jane shared.
The Community Options team is happy to see Lucille enjoying the volunteer role in the community where she lives. Moving forward, Lucille will continue participating in the program with support from her new Job Coach, Jennifer Hewitt-Wilson. To learn more about Community Options, visit our Work and Volunteering page.